Do you offer shipping worldwide?

Absolutely, we ship worldwide, except for specific areas with limited delivery options. If you're unsure about shipping to your address, please reach out to us at sifleumencia83@gmail.com or send us a message on our social media platforms for verification.

How much does shipping cost?

Our shipping is entirely free. We believe in keeping things straightforward and transparent, without any additional fees for our valued customers, just as we prefer it ourselves.

What are the delivery times to my location?

  • United States: 5-11 business days
  • Canada: 5-11 business days
  • United Kingdom: 5-11 business days
  • Europe: 5-11 business days

How long is the processing time?

Rest assured, orders are processed and shipped within 24-48 hours. Please note that we do not ship on Sundays. During peak periods, kindly allow up to 3 business days for dispatch.

Where can I find my tracking number?

Once your items are shipped, you will receive an email notification from us with your tracking number. If you haven't received one or if the tracking number doesn't seem to work, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support channels, and we will be more than happy to assist you. For further information, send us an email at sifleumencia83@gmail.com

Can I change the shipping address for my order?

Please ensure that your billing and shipping addresses are accurate during the checkout process. Amalfi is not liable for incorrect addresses provided. If we make an error, we will take full responsibility and send you a replacement at no extra charge.

I think my package might be stolen/lost in transit, what should I do?

If your package's tracking indicates delivery but you cannot locate it, check around your property, lobby, or mailroom. Reach out to neighbors in case someone accepted the package on your behalf or if it was misdelivered. We recommend waiting 1-2 business days to see if the package is redelivered by the carrier. If it remains missing or undelivered after 2 business days, please contact your local post office directly to file a claim. You can file a claim with your local courier by providing your tracking information. After filing a claim, wait for their response before reaching out to us. Email us at sifleumencia83@gmail.com with the reply from your local courier, and we'll assist you further.

is not responsible for lost or stolen packages with confirmed delivery to the address provided for an order. For peace of mind, we recommend choosing expedited and insured shipping methods, which include a free replacement for stolen parcels.